When it comes to weight loss and calorie burning, there is no better sport than boxing. With an average of 800 calories burned per hour, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better exercise regimen other than stepping in the ring.
It’s not hard to understand why. Boxing requires constant use of the entire body. Twenty minutes on the punching bag will engage your core, arms, chest, stomach, back, and legs as you bounce around the bag on your toes.
It also involves a lot of explosive activity and an intense amount of concentration and it also happens to be one of the best activities for burning belly fat, a notoriously difficult thing to do.
Calories burned Boxing Calculator
How Many Calories Do you Burn Boxing?
As aforementioned, boxing can potentially burn up to 800 calories per hour. Of course, like every exercise regimen, you get exactly what you put in. Boxing is a lot like mixed-martial arts, a level of endurance is required that turns some people away.
Of course, calorie-burning isn’t all that boxing does for you.
- Improves heart health
- Increases body strength
- Improved hand-eye coordination
- Learn self-defense
- Reduces stress
A quality training regimen that’s consistent—it helps to join a class for fitness training—will burn calories and improve your well-being, both mentally and physically.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Boxing For 10 Minutes?
If you go by the MET calculator (Metabolic Equivalent Calculator), you will come up with between 65 and 150 calories for every ten minutes of boxing activity. Mostly, it depends on how much you weigh.
For instance, a 150lb person that’s punching a boxing bag for 10 minutes will burn about 66 calories or 396 calories in an hour.
In a sparring match, the calorie loss jumps to 93 calories in 10 minutes. For a full-fledged boxing match, it’s 153 calories per ten minutes.
Using the MET formula, each activity is assigned a point value. In the cases listed above, the point value is as follows:
- Punching Bag: 5.5
- Sparring match: 7.8
- Boxing match: 12.8
When calculating calorie loss per minute, 10 minutes, half an hour, or an hour, you will use the following formula: (MET value number x weight(in kg) x 3.5) ÷ 200. In the above examples, we used 150lbs of body weight, which converts to 68.1kg.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Boxing For 30 Minutes?
The same 150lb person would lose 198 calories in 30 minutes. However, if we boost the bodyweight up to 200, we get a better idea of the calorie loss over a broader range. A 200lb person weighs 90.8kg since 1lb is the equivalent of 0.454kg.
With a punching bag, a 200lb person will burn roughly 262 calories in 30 minutes. Using the MET formula is a great way to keep track of your daily weight loss, regardless of what activity you happen to be doing.
Since boxing has more potential for calorie loss than any other sport, it’s hands-down the best way to maximize calories lost and weight loss.
How Many Calories Are Burned By Punching Air?
According to the Compendium of Physical Activities, shadow boxing would be assigned a 5.5 MET value. Knowing this you can expect to burn about 6.6 calories per minute at 150lbs, up to 8.7 calories per minute. That number is calculated between a 150lb person up to 200lbs.
Of course, the beauty of the formula is that you can calculate it at any body weight, whether you weigh 109lbs or 250lbs. There’s no wrong way to do it and the scientifically evaluated numbers account for both weight and activity.
Can I Lose Weight By Boxing Every Day?
You can definitely lose weight by boxing every day, however, physical activity is not the primary factor in weight loss routines. Think about it in terms of intake versus output.
There are 285 calories in a single slice of pizza. In a half an hour of intense boxing, you won’t burn off the entire amount of calories in that one slice. How much do you eat over a 12-hour period?
The point is, calories and weight are not created equal. Physical exercise is the support mechanism for a healthy diet.
To truly lose weight, you have to change your diet, which will allow activities, such as boxing, to firm and tone your body, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and improve your overall physical and mental health.