You can burn almost as many calories from moving boxes as you can from a rigorous workout! You can expect to burn between 100 and 600 calories depending on if you spend a half hour or an hour moving boxes.

On average, you will burn close to 100 calories for every ten minutes of moving boxes.

The rest of the article will go into detail how many calories you can burn moving boxes, and it will provide calories burned moving boxes calculators to help you more accurately assess how many calories you can burn.

Calories burned Moving Boxes Calculator

Calories Burned🔥: 0

Can I burn calories from moving boxes?

You can burn calories from moving boxes. According to, the body burns calories even at rest. When you move your body, you accelerate your body’s ability to burn calories. Movements that incorporate the whole body burn a significant amount of calories. Moving boxes is physical activity that utilizes your whole body, so you will burn calories.

How many calories do you burn moving boxes?

Just how many calories you burn moving boxes is dependent on a multitude of factors, such as your weight and metabolism, but we can assume a base rate based on averages. According to WebMD if you’re 125 pounds you can burn 105 calories from 30 minutes of work. If you’re 200 pounds, you can burn 155 calories. 

Is moving boxes considered a workout?

While you can’t sign up for a moving boxes class at your local gym, you can consider this activity a workout. Moving boxes is a rigorous activity that incorporates movement from your whole body. When you move boxes, you’re initiating movement from your legs and keeping your body stable with your core muscles. These muscles are often targeted in gym workouts like Spinning or Kickboxing. 

How many calories are burned by moving boxes for 30 minutes?

If you’ve ever helped someone move, you know that it takes longer than 30 minutes, but in only 30 minutes you’ll likely have burned between 100-200 calories. Use the table below to compare how many calories you burn doing other household chores.


Calories burned per 30 minutes


Between 124-166

Mowing the lawn (with a push mower)

Between 135-200

Changing bed sheets and remaking the bed

Between 187-300

How many calories are burned by moving boxes for an hour?

How many calories you burn depends on your weight, but if you move boxes for an hour, you will burn between 250 and 600 calories. Whole body workouts burn more calories than targeted exercises, and since moving boxes uses your whole body, you can torch a significant amount of calories in a short period of time!  

How can I calculate how many calories I burned moving boxes?

Since the amount of calories you can burn doing an activity is dependent on different factors, you can utilize an online calculator to help you determine this number with some more accuracy. There are a variety of online calculators to help you; however, some of them are for specific exercise.

There are calculators that are more general, or that are specific to calories burned moving boxes or doing household chores. 

Can I lose weight by moving boxes off a truck?

If you have a job that involves physical movement, such as unloading boxes off a truck, then you might burn a significant amount of calories at work. This movement may or may not contribute to weight loss.

How do I lose weight by moving boxes off a truck?

Losing weight is about calories in and calories out. According to, If you consistently consume more calories than you burn in a day, then you will gain weight. Alternatively, if you consistently consume less calories than you burn in a day, then you will lose weight. 

Moving boxes off a truck can be a contributing factor to your weight loss if you do it consistently, and if you don’t consume more calories than you burn; this means that you need to monitor your diet in addition to your exercise.Â