The average calories burned while playing basketball is 80 calories per ten minutes of gameplay. This number is dependent upon a person’s weight and calorie deficit for their time playing. 

In this article find out how many calories you are likely to burn playing basketball. We will break down what you need to know for this weight loss option and how to start!

Calories burned Basketball Calculator

Calories Burned🔥: 0

How many calories are burned by playing basketball for 30 minutes?

Studies report that playing basketball for at least 30 minutes can burn up to 240 to 250 calories per half hour, depending on your weight. According to Harvard Medical School, a person weighing 185 lbs can burn up to 336 calories in that time.

How many calories are burning playing basketball per hour?

Let’s say you weigh the aforementioned 185 lbs–this means that you would burn up to 672 calories per hour of a half court game. This number can vary depending on the intensity of the game, movement involved, and, of course, your own weight.

Can you lose weight by playing basketball everyday?

The simplest answer is yes! Though it can be physically demanding, the nature of the game calls for several different parts of your body to be working together. This helps to burn more calories and lead to weight loss.

How much weight can you lose playing basketball everyday?

If you play for just half an hour every day, and burn 250 calories per game, you will lose 0.5lbs every week. By the end of a month you will have lost roughly 2 pounds from basketball games alone! Couple that with eating properly and ensuring a calorie deficit for your day and you will see results.

Should you play basketball everyday? 

While it can be tempting to do something you enjoy every day, it is recommended to switch between basketball and a low intensity activity like yoga. Basketball is physically demanding and can wear down your body if you don’t balance it properly with different activities and rest.

What are some of the risks of the game?

Injuries to the lower body, such as ankle sprains, are most common but there can be injuries to the hands, fingers, head, or teeth as well. Knee injuries are also common, especially in female players, so be sure to wear the proper gear.

What is the proper gear for basketball?

Wearing the proper shoes for the basketball court is important. It is also recommended to wear a mouth guard and knee pads. For extra assurance you can bring athletic tape with you to a game.

Do I have to play basketball to burn calories?

The sport can change, but the importance of shaping a diet around an activity is ensuring that your body is in a healthy calorie deficit. It is harmful to simply restrict food, so ensuring you’re eating the right food, then burning it off with a sport like basketball is perfect!

Why is losing weight dependent on calories?

In order to ensure your body burns fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. This means that there is a shortage in the calories consumed relative to the calories needed to maintain your current weight. This will cause your body to use the calories it has stored in fat.

Will having a protein drink or snack before a game help burn even more calories?

Proteins help boost metabolism and increase the calories burned by 80 to 100 calories per day! So go ahead and have a protein shake before you start, and remember to have water too.

What other benefits can come from playing basketball?

Basketball helps to improve motor skills, and overall physical performance. The different motions required from the sport help to boost coordination and functional fitness. It’s also a great way to keep your mind sharp and boost decision-making skills!

Is basketball good for cardio as well?

That depends on how intense of a game you play. If you go all in to a game then that constant changing of movement and speed can help disrupt your body’s rhythm and increase cardio. Just standing there shooting hoops won’t help your heart much the same way that it won’t burn as many calories. 

How do you get started playing?

You could start today with just yourself and a basketball hoop, or have a full set of 10 players. For optimal use of your body, playing with at least one other person will force you to make decisions quickly and work harder.

What else should you keep in mind for your health with basketball?

Basketball is a sport that can put a lot of stress on your body, so be sure to warm up by stretching your muscles and joints. When the game finishes, be sure to cool down and stretch once more.