You can burn about 10 calories an hour while chewing gum. This number depends greatly on many factors such as metabolism, weight, what kind of gum you’re chewing, and how many times you chew per hour. 

The rest of the article will go into detail about how many calories you can burn while chewing gum if gum can help you gain weight, and how much research has gone into studying calorie intake while chewing gum.

Calories burned Chewing Gum Calculator

Calories Burned🔥: 0

Does chewing gum burn calories?

Yes, chewing gum burns calories. Studies conducted at the Mayo Clinic in New England suggested that chewing gum burns a very small amount of calories per hour. Keep in mind that it might not let you reach your fitness goals in a timely manner. 

How many calories can you burn while chewing gum?

On average, a person will burn up to 10 calories per hour while chewing gum. This, of course, depends on the person’s metabolism, how fast they chew, and how much sugar the piece of gum consists of. 

Does chewing gum make you fat?

Chewing gum does not make you fat, on the contrary, it is estimated that you can lose up to 11 pounds a year by chewing sugarless gum during the day. There have also been studies showing a loss in appetite and cravings when the gum is chewed between mealtime, which also assists in losing weight while chewing gum.

How does chewing gum decrease your appetite?

When you chew gum the nerves in the muscle of your jaws are stimulated. These nerves then send a signal to your brain in the part that controls appetite, sating your hunger. This is linked to why you lack a sweet tooth while chewing gum.

Can chewing gum increase energy?

Another way that chewing gum has been connected to burning calories is in the way it energizes the body. In a study conducted at Rhode Island University, participants showed an expenditure of about 5% more energy than those who did not chew gum. 

What about saliva produced while chewing gum?

Although you shouldn’t swallow gum, chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands, which in turn will help to break down food. This is due to the saliva helping any food pass quicker and more smoothly through your digestive tract.

Can chewing gum help with diabetes?

Chewing gum has been proven to help deliver insulin to the bloodstream of those with diabetes. In a recent study, a chemist at Syracuse University proved that chewing gum can help break down orally-taken insulin in the digestive system.

What research has gone into calories burned while chewing gum?

There are quite a few studies into the research of how many calories you can burn while chewing gum, however, the studies are usually small and less extensive.