Research has shown us that the average person burns around 83 calories per 10 minutes of swimming. If you repeated this exercise 2-3 times per week you should see a decrease in your weight. You should also bear in mind that your food intake is a huge weight loss factor, ideally, you need a deficit of 500 calories per day. 

It’s important to find out exactly how many calories you burn in your day to day activities before deciding on an exercise and diet program in order to increase weight loss. Use the TDEE Calculator to do this before creating your plan. 

Read this article to find out how many calories swimming burns and what factors can affect this amount, how many times per week you should swim depending on your fitness goal and where you can lose weight while swimming. 

How Many Calories Does Swimming Burn?

If you swim correctly and at a decent pace, you can burn 83 calories per 10 minutes, which is 249 calories per 30 minutes and an astonishing 498 calories per hour! 

Swimming is known to be a great exercise, even for people who struggle to do other sporting activities. While swimming, you are completely weightless and your body can focus on using your muscles correctly, without suffering any impact. This action means you have less chance of damaging your muscles through tearing or stretching and a better chance of toning them to a better shape and definition. 

You can also use our calculator to see how many calories you would burn while swimming.


If I Swim 3 Times Per Week, How Much Weight Would I Lose?

Retrospectively, if you swim for an hour, 3 times per week you should be burning nearly 1500 calories altogether, depending on your body type and current weight. 

Having said that, you need to keep your diet in check as well as participating in such sports in order to see any weight loss occur. All of these factors affect weight loss, not just exercising regularly, although it does have a positive effect.

You need to be working out and experiencing a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day and factor in how many calories you already burn during daily activities. For example, if you use the TDEE Calculator and your energy expenditure is 2,500 calories per day, you would need to swim for about 35 minutes (burns around 300 calories) and eat around 2,300 calories per day to create that 500 calorie deficit. 

If I swam every day, How Much Weight Would I Lose?

Swimming every day is a huge commitment to the sport, hopefully, you live near the beach or a swimming pool to make this less challenging. Nevertheless, if you were to swim for an hour every single day of the week you would burn around 3500 calories, which is pretty impressive and could equal some great physical benefits.

All of this does depend on your body type though, if you are overweight and take up swimming because it’s a good sport to do if you are slightly overweight, then you lose weight faster than someone of smaller weight. Even if someone lighter was to swim for 2 hours, they would probably not burn as many calories as someone overweight that has been swimming for 1 hour. The lighter you are, the fewer calories and fat you have to burn in the first place. 

Is swimming good for losing belly fat?

As swimming is a weightless sport, it means you have to use all parts of your body in order to do the sport correctly. If you swim you work the muscles in your arms and legs the most, but also it’s a great sport for your core and back too. You need to keep your head above water, depending on the stroke you do, which means your stomach and back muscles need to be constantly tensing and relaxing, therefore burning calories while doing so. 

This type of exercise means that you can lose a great deal of weight around the torso and belly area. As you stroke with your arms, you use muscles down the side of the torso which also helps to make a stronger waistline which is idyllic for most women. 

Can I lose weight by swimming every day?

It is possible to lose weight by swimming every day, but there are several factors that can affect how much you lose. There’s no doubt about it, you would certainly lose some weight as long as you are not eating extremely unhealthy food. 

As we stated above, diet is very important when trying to lose weight. You can’t expect to lose weight by just exercising, even if it was swimming every day. Using a calculator to figure out how many calories you currently burn can help you plan a diet and exercise regime that will help put yourself into the 500 a day calorie deficit needed to increase weight loss.