Sushi is an excellent combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, making it a delicious and quick food that is ideal for weight loss. Fish provides a whole slew of health benefits, making sushi a staple on many dieters’ meal plans.
Like most other food options, sushi is good for you as long as it is prepared in a healthy way and enjoyed in a reasonable amount, and in this article, we are going to go over how sushi can enhance your weight loss journey.
What is The Best Sushi Roll for Weight Loss?
Sushi is a popular meal option for many people whether they are looking to drop a few pounds or not. It tastes incredible and comes with so many different flavors and ingredients it can be challenging to choose which option is for you.
When it comes to eating sushi rolls for weight loss, you do want to consider the caloric count and health benefits associated with the ingredients rolled into one. You should avoid those that are deep-fried, have tons of condiments, and extra, like soy sauce or spicy mayonnaise.
So, what types of sushi rolls should you look for when attempting to lose weight?
There are many different combos you can choose from when ordering sushi rolls, but a good rule of thumb is to go for the items on the menu containing vegetables, healthy fats, and fish.
Tuna Sushi Rolls
Tuna fish is a great source of protein, low in saturated fats, and full of essential vitamins and nutrients. Pair this with a seaweed wrap, white rice, and onion, then dip it in soy sauce for that extra zing.
Cucumber Sushi Rolls
Sushi rolls can be made without fish, and cucumbers are a great option for those who don’t like seafood or are vegetarians and can’t eat it.
Cucumber rolls are a great option when trying to lose weight because cucumbers are healthy for you in so many ways.
First, cucumbers are full of water which aids in digestion, keeps you hydrated, and combats constipation. They also have high fiber content, which helps with gut health and keeps you feeling full for long periods of time, curbing cravings and limiting food intake.
California Crab Rolls
You will often see Califonia Sushi rolls made with crab, rice, avocado, and seaweed. These ingredients make the meal low in calories, high in healthy fats, and full of vitamins and nutrients.
Salmon Sushi Rolls
There are many ways to make salmon sushi rolls, and often they include ingredients such as fresh salmon, carrots, avocado, sesame seeds, scallions, etc.
We don’t have to tell you how this can be a healthy choice. There are many ingredients that can be combined with salmon to create a delicious meal that is good for you.

How Many Calories are in Sushi?
Because there are so many different ways you can make sushi, it is impossible to give an exact number of calories you will find in this meal. However, we can give you an idea of the number of calories you are looking at depending on the main ingredient you choose.
- Cucumber rolls- 135 calories
- Salmon and avocado rolls-304 calories
- Tuna rolls- 104 calories
- California Roll (Crab Roll)- 235 calories
- Avocado Roll- 140 calories
Note: Each example is based on a six-piece roll.
As you add more ingredients to the roll, the calorie count is going to increase, so be careful which condiments and additions you decide on.
Tips for Eating Sushi to Lose Weight
Just like with any other type of food, portion control is a factor in eating sushi to lose weight. While this may be a healthy option, too much of it is still going to put you over your caloric intake, damaging any weight loss progress or continuing the progress long term.
Some things to keep in mind when ordering sushi for weight loss.
Steer Clear of Non-Traditional Rolls
Many restaurants have their own spin on traditional sushi rolls, creating “specialty rolls” which often use tons of different sauces and unhealthy ingredients to make a unique and flavorful option.
Request Brown Rice
The majority of restaurants that serve sushi, serve their rolls with white rice. If you are trying to lose weight, requesting brown rice instead might be a good call.
Take Your Time
You want to avoid overeating any food item, especially when they come in smaller, bite-sized portions. It can be tempting to pop a bunch of tasty sushi rolls in your mouth without even considering how many you had.
Try eating your food slowly and allow yourself to taste each flavor and chew it up into healthy, easily digestible pieces.
Summing Things Up
For all of you sushi lovers out there, the answer is yes, sushi is good for weight loss as long as you are mindful about what you are eating and how much you eat at a time.