On average, a StairMaster workout burns approximately 95 calories per 10 minutes of use. However, the true amount of calories you can burn during exercise varies from person to person.

Want to find out more information about exercise and burning calories? Keep reading to learn more details on the StairMaster, how it compares to other cardio workouts, and how effective it is for weight loss! 

Calories burned StairMaster Calculator

Calories Burned🔥: 0

How many calories do you burn on a StairMaster?

As stated in the intro, the average calorie burn rate during a StairMaster workout is 95 every 10 minutes. However, the total amount of calorie burn depends on your personal physiology and the intensity of the exercise. 

When you’re using the StairMaster, a faster climb will result in a greater calorie burn, and a 200lb person performing the same workout will burn calories more quickly than a 150lb person. 

If you’re really curious, check the calorie calculator on your machine! Most StairMaster models come with a built-in calorie-burning calculator that can estimate the number of calories burned during your workout. Of course, this calculation is based on the intensity of the exercise and your current weight. 

How many calories are burned using a StairMaster for 1 hour?

A 1-hour workout on the StairMaster would burn 570 calories, according to our average of 95 calories burned every 10 minutes. However, Harvard Medical School performed a handy study measuring average calorie burn during 30-minute exercises for people of different weights. Here’s a summarized table with their findings extrapolated to the 1-hour mark: 


125lb Person

155lb Person

185lb Person

StairMaster – 30 minutes

180 calories burned

216 calories burned

252 calories burned

StairMaster – 1 hour

360 calories burned

432 calories burned

504 calories burned

What burns more calories: StairMaster vs Treadmill?

If you’re looking to get in some good cardio, which one of these is going to burn more calories? Like the other answers, this depends on the intensity of your workout and your body weight. Therefore, walking or running on the treadmill will be treated as two different categories for this comparison. 


125lb Person

StairMaster – 30 minutes

180 calories burned

Treadmill (Walking Slowly) – 30 minutes

125 calories burned

Treadmill (Walking Briskly) – 30 minutes

200 calories burned

Treadmill (Running) – 30 minutes

247 calories burned

Looking at this comparison, running on the treadmill at a steady pace of 5 mph will burn the most calories in 30 minutes. However, that’s not all you need to consider in your workout: in addition to burning calories through cardio, the StairMaster has great strength benefits! 

Benefits of the StairMaster

The StairMaster is a great machine that targets and engages multiple body parts for a great all-around workout. Here’s a more in-depth look at some of its benefits!

Cardio Benefits

The StairMaster is excellent for aerobic conditioning, strengthening your heart and lungs through hard work. Stronger lungs mean more oxygen in your blood, and more oxygen means your organs and muscles can operate more efficiently. 

Of course, as you’ve seen here, cardio is also a great calorie burner! The StairMaster is an excellent machine to use for losing weight. If you want to know more about that, keep reading! 

Strength Benefits

The StairMaster works out your core, quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, providing a perfect lower-body workout experience. In addition to those muscle groups, regular exercise on the StairMaster also promotes healthier bones through weight-bearing exercise, helping to increase your bone mass and prevent osteoporosis. 

Can I lose weight by using a StairMaster every day?

Yes! The best exercise routine for weight loss includes both aerobic exercises and strength training. Well, good news—the StairMaster has got you covered! Exercising on the StairMaster provides a great cardio workout while strengthening several muscle groups. 

As fun and motivating as the StairMaster is, it can get a little dull after a while. To keep up your weight-loss journey momentum, incorporate different exercises and sports, or find new ways to include activity in your life, such as walking or cycling. 

While burning calories is an important aspect of weight loss, monitoring your calorie intake is, too! If you’re looking to lose weight on the StairMaster, it’s also essential to pack your diet full of protein, fruits, veggies, and whole grains—these foods will give you the energy to bring your StairMaster workout to a whole new level!