You might know that wrestling is a wonderful form of exercise for both the mind and body, but did you know that it’s also one of the best calorie burners? While the precise number of calories burned will vary from person to person, on average, you can burn around 95 calories from only ten minutes of wrestling!
In the following sections, we will discuss the calorie-burning wrestling calculator to determine how many calories can be burned by wrestling. We will also explore some of the numerous benefits of wrestling that make it such a wonderful form of exercise, and discuss how wrestling can help you lose weight.
Calories burned Wrestling Calculator
How many calories do you burn playing wrestling?
The exact number of calories that are burned while participating in various forms of exercise vary from person to person. It is dependent upon several different factors, such as how much you weigh, your age, activity level, metabolism, etc, so it is important to keep in mind that everyone is different. However, on average, the rate is approximately 95 calories burned for every ten minutes of wrestling.

How many calories are burned by wrestling for 30 minutes?
In order to figure out how many calories you can burn by wrestling for half an hour, we want to make use of the calories burned wrestling calculator. In order to do this, we simply take the fact that we know most people burn around 95 calories per 10 minutes spent wrestling.
From here, it’s just a question of simple math. We take the number of calories burned per ten minutes of wrestling, which is 95, and multiply this number by 3. Therefore, on average, you can expect to burn about 285 calories per half hour spend wrestling.
Why is wrestling such a good workout?
The simple fact is that all workouts are not created alike. While certain exercises, like weight training, might be great at developing certain muscle groups, these kinds of workouts only target one or maybe two specific muscle groups at a time.
Unlike other forms of exercise, wrestling involves constant pulling, pushing, stretching, and other movements that are engaging muscles all over your body. Instead of only using your arms or legs, wrestling engages you in a full-body workout. You are using all of your muscle groups continuously throughout the wrestling session, which means that you are engaging muscles that you might not even know you have!
Wrestling provides you with the opportunity for an excellent cardio workout as well. It gets your heart rate elevated and keeps your blood pumping throughout the session. Actively engaging in some form of cardio is one of the best ways to not only stay healthy but to help with burning calories and fat as well.
Wrestling also provides you with the opportunity to watch your physical strength and endurance levels steadily increase as you continue the workout. While you may find that you are not able to wrestle for much for than ten or fifteen minutes in the beginning, if you keep it up, you find that your levels of strength improve along with your stamina and ability to wrestle for longer periods.
If you are looking for a fun way to lose weight, wrestling not only offers a high-calorie burn rate, it also boosts your metabolism so that you continue burning fat and calories after your workout has ended. Some people have difficulty with forms of exercise like running or walking because they find them boring and monotonous.
Wrestling, however, is a social workout that requires the company of another person. Not only is there someone else to engage with throughout the workout, the fact that you are constantly moving and that your opponent’s actions are unpredictable makes it exciting and engaging.
Aside from the physical benefits you reap from wrestling, there are a few reasons as to why wrestling is such a good mental workout as well. Wrestling teaches teamwork and respect for others, so it is a good form of active socialization. In addition, wrestling hones your sense of focus and self-discipline.
As you will notice your skills and strength growing the more you engage in regular periods of wrestling, your self-confidence will increase as well.
Finally, not only is wrestling fun to do, but it also can help teach you some simple forms of self-defense, which also goes a long way in boosting confidence levels.
Can I lose weight by wrestling every day?
You absolutely can lose weight by wrestling every day. Of course, this is dependent upon a number of other factors, like your eating habits. In order to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume, but with the incredible workout that wrestling provides, it is safe to say you will lose weight if you do it every day and engage in a sensible diet.