Corn can be good for weight loss when you eat it as part of a balanced diet. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means you consume fewer calories than you burn in a day.
While you don’t have to create a deficit each day, you need to create one each week to sustain a weight loss of half a pound or more. Let’s look at why corn can help you lose weight, some of its disadvantages, and how to sustain weight loss over time.
Can I Eat Corn While on a Diet?
Yes, you can eat corn while on a diet. As you’re probably aware, there are different ways to eat and purchase corn. For example, you can eat corn on a cob, canned corn, or creamed corn.
Corn and corn byproducts are also found in several other food products, including cereals and cornbread. Various forms of corn and corn products can contain different numbers of calories.
The number of calories you’ll consume eating corn and corn products will also depend on how you prepare and cook them. For instance, using butter when cooking canned corn will increase the number of calories.
A typical can of corn has 171 calories, but most people do not eat an entire can in one meal. Adding sauces, butter, margarine, or other seasonings after you cook corn will also increase your calories.
As long as you don’t eat more calories than you need, corn can be part of a healthy and balanced diet. It is a vegetable that is high in fiber and can leave you satiated compared to simple carbohydrates.

Aren’t Carbs Bad for You?
If you’re following a keto or low-carb diet, you may not be able to consume much corn. This is because corn is known as a starchy vegetable. Although corn contains fiber and vitamin A, there are nearly 40 grams of carbs per can. Protein is relatively low at just over 5.5 grams.
That said, corn contains complex carbohydrates. Your body digests these types of carbs more slowly than simple carbs like sugar. When consumed as part of a balanced diet, complex carbs can help your brain function better and give you energy.
However, you shouldn’t rely solely on carbs for energy or calories. You need the right balance of protein, fats, and carbs. Most vegetables, fruits, and whole grains contain some carbohydrates. Carbs contain four calories per gram.
What are the Disadvantages to Eating Corn?
There are several disadvantages to eating corn. Some people are allergic to corn and corn byproducts. In addition, eating corn can be dangerous for diabetics because of the high starch count.
Since corn contains a lot of fiber, it can cause gas, bloating, and irritation of the digestive system. If you have IBS, celiac disease, or low tolerance to corn, it’s best to stay away from it. Corn is also linked to tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Blue corn is known to be lower on the glycemic scale. This means your blood sugar doesn’t rise as fast after eating blue corn compared to white or yellow versions. You can usually find blue corn in tortillas and tortilla chips.
Remember that corn tortillas, tortilla chips, and other corn-based products can be highly processed. This not only adds to the calories you’ll consume but also the level of inflammation that may occur in your body.
High-glycemic or highly processed foods tend to increase your blood sugar rapidly and cause inflammation. Your body responds by trying to release more insulin. If you eat a lot of high-glycemic foods over time, you may be at risk of developing metabolic syndrome or diabetes.
How Do I Eat to Lose Weight?
To support weight loss, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. You can reduce your calories, increase your physical activity, or do both. The approach that works the best with most people is to reduce calories and increase exercise.
Eating corn can be part of a reduced-calorie diet, but relying on one type of food over another won’t necessarily make you drop the pounds. Some health conditions, genetics, and medications can influence how your body processes and metabolizes food.
However, most people will lose weight if they figure out their ideal calorie range and eat slightly less than that. You can use fitness apps and online calorie counters to put in your age, current weight, height, gender, and activity level.
The calorie counter or fitness app will show you how many calories you need to eat to maintain your weight and lose weight. Aim to lose between half a pound and two pounds each week until you reach your goal.
Eating corn can be part of a balanced diet that encourages weight loss, as long as you create a calorie deficit.